Sunday 20 September 2009

Doing my research on trailers i found similarities in a lot of the popular and successful trailers in making an audience want to see the film. These are the requirements in order to achieve a bestselling teaser trailer:

-Adaption of a game
-Adaption of a book
-Include a big budget
-starring big actors
-starring big directors

The trailer should reveal an aassociation with a previously established entity that the audience will have some background knowledge of.

Sunday 13 September 2009

Saturday 20 June 2009

The Omen Teaser Trailer Analysis

The omen teaser trailers open with a still medium shot of a black dog, it is sat still with the only movement being made is of its tongue drooling with spit. As the camera begins to track away from the dog across what appears to be a very derelict park, the dog moves his tongue. Through out, the sounds of wind blowing helps to maybe establish the autumn season as well as the leaves all over the park. From tracking towards a boy on a swing, the camera begins to pan around his face from the back to the front. Once the camera reaches the front of his face the boy is seen staring out in a different direction from the camera. The boy is dressed in red, the colour of danger, blood and murder and the red clothing is particularly more saturated than the background colours. Suddenly, with added dramatic music the boy moves his face to the camera and is staring straight into the lens. Before, it was as though the camera was non-existent and had no serious role, simply capturing the scene in a generic cinematic way. Where as when the boy looks at the camera, the camera plays the role of a character, in this case the audience; which fears the audience as the boy is looking directly at you and it is as though he has acknowledged you. In the middle of him looking at the audience he blinks, which suggests his innocence as it reminds us of his humanity in the child. The slow movement of the camera and the constant squeaking of the swings is a continuous reminder of the eeriness.

Finally there is a fade into a black screen saying 6th day then 6th month and 6th year in white. The words at the end saying the date change each time and there is a bang each time and the six constantly glows and is in bold. The black background with the white writing contrasts to emphasize a possible good vs. evil image.